2017 New Shooter/New Horse Clinic
Ct Renegades had a great new horse and rider clinic yesterday. Everyone was very brave and I appreciate them hanging in there through our surprise weather. Everyone came a long way and I am very proud of everyone that rode yesterday. We look forward to seeing you all at practices and shoots this year. Gina Marie, Maren, Cathy Clouse, Jeremy, Diana Csont-Naples, Fran, Debbie Sommers and Richard Onorato.
Thanks to all the volunteers who came to help and let us borrow, gear, guns and horses. Paige Forsyth, Gus, Chris Anson, Christine Boudreau, Joan Davis, Kowboyken Forcier, Alan Green, Tom Beckman, Sabrina Fecteau, Allison Forsyth, Shyanne Ostrander. We appreciate our support from Jeanne Lewis Gherardi and Greg. Also that you to Ct Horse magazine and Steed Reed for stopping by.
I hope to see everyone soon...keep riding.